Naples Weather Forecast Web Sites
Naples Weather Forecast Web Sites
- You can also search the rest of Italy/Europe from most of these sites:TempoItalia - straightforward predictions, rain probabilities, etc. for the week; click on a day for hour-by-hour
- Meteo Excite - easy to read, simple layout
- Il Meteo - very detailed forecasts, although it can be confusing at times
- Enel - that's right, the gas company also does forecasts out to about 48 hours
- Weather Underground - one of the few English forecasts, although it is generally less accurate
Weather Words
Weather Words
- The following words will help you decode Italian forecasts:coperto = overcast ["covered"...same word as for the "cover" charge when you eat]
- nubi sparse = scattered ["sparse"] clouds
- (poco/parzialmente/molto) nuvoloso = (somewhat/partly/very) cloudy
- (quasi) sereno = (almost) clear skies [literally "serene"]
- rovesci/piovaschi = showers
- pioggia = rain
- temporali = thunderstorms
- neve = snow
- nebbia/nebbioso = fog/foggy
- schiarite = clearing [chiara = clear]
- debole = weak [e.g. piogga debole = weak showers]
- vento = wind
- moderato = moderate
- previsioni meteo = weather forecast
- percepita = perceived [e.g. perceived temperature with windchill]
- rugiada = dewpoint
- freddo = cold
- caldo = hot
You may also notice that the Italians have a lot of words for wind directions (libeccio, ponente, levante, grecale...) taken from the "Wind Rose." To learn more, see the Wind Rose webpage, or the Italian Wikipedia article. Since the names come from Amalfi (from the time it was a wealthy medieval Maritime Republic) the wind names make sense for the coast off of Naples--for example, grecale is the wind from Greece (notheast), and levante is the wind from the Levant (east). You can also see a big wind rose at the Vatican in Rome.
Naples Area Webcams
Naples Area Webcams
These allow you to "look out the window" at the current weather elsewhere (say, on the Amalfi Coast), so you can get a better idea of the current weather.
- Meteo Webcam - links to 71 webcams in Campania, about half of them in the Naples province
- CampaniaMeteo - links to a couple dozen webcams in Campania, and includes a map